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“Children are human beings to whom respect is due, superior to us by reason of their innocence and of the greater possibilities of their future.”
                   Maria Montessori


Mouse e.V. is a Montessori Children's House. ​We nurture children by offering a prepared environment that gives children the freedom to choose their activities according to their inner interest and abilities. This is done by offering self-correcting Montessori materials. Our environment enables children to follow their own development cycle and at the same time acquire the following skills by learning through play:

  • Social development 

  • Practical life exercises

  • Sensorial Material

  • Language Development (German and English)

  • Mathematical Development

  • Culture (science, geography, music and art)

Bilingual Education: German and English


    In today's globalized world, a bilingual education provides a lifelong advantage for children. A bilingual environment influences and strengthens a child's critical thinking and cognitive abilities and expands their language competence, aiding later in literacy development. In addition, exposure to a bilingual environment allows a child to better understand and appreciate other cultures.

     Using the OPOL method,  the children at MOUSE acquire both languages naturally by hearing and using both German and English in their everyday environment. The children are "immersed" into a world in which everything happens in both languages.  At MOUSE, our teachers and intern speak solely in their respective languages.

Health & Exercise


  • MOUSE is a sugar- free environment. Sweet food consisting of sugar or chocolate are only allowed at birthday parties and other special celebrations.

  • Lunch is provided by an organic catering company which specializes in children's nutritional food.

  • Physical activity is an essential way to encourage brain function and the formation of cognitive abilities. With this in mind, the team at Mouse visits the playground at least once a day or goes for a long walk. Once a week, the team will lead the group with organised physical activities. 

  • "Day In the Park" takes place Fridays in the spring, summer and autumn months (weather permitting). Children are dropped off at a local park by their parents and spend the entire day outdoors until pick-up.  

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