About Us
MOUSE - Montessori Children House is a German & English bilingual parent initiative located in Munich Schwabing. It is open to 19 children between the ages of 2-1/2 to 6 years. MOUSE offers a traditional Montessori curriculum based on Dr. Maria Montessori’s philosophy and principles. Taking these into account we at Mouse prepare each child to reach its full potential in all areas of life. Each child is guided by our qualified teachers in a self-directed learning environment that fosters independence, responsibility, respect for others and a love for learning.
Mouse is a parental run kindergarten, meaning all parents of children at Mouse play an active role in supporting the team to direct the kindergarten. It is our main intent that the parents are interested in how their "mice" are cared for and are motivated in this respect. Typical tasks like cooking and cleaning are outsourced, but the collaboration between parents and staff is not only mandatory, but imperative for the smooth running of the kindergarten. Parents must take part in regular parent's evenings and are prepared to spend a few hours a month actively working on behalf of MOUSE. Parental tasks vary from finance to event planning, HR, admissions, website/PR to repairs. In this way, parents are strongly involved in the early development of their children which they can form and influence.